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Showing posts from January, 2025

The Nuclear Odyssey

Can we reach the island of stability? I wanted to study this topic for a long time. Nuclear physics has always fascinated me. The subatomic realm is beautiful and the quest for new elements, going beyond the periodic table. Making elements that nature itself hasn't is such a incredible feat. We have gone past Uranium to Ogannesson. But these elements have been ephemeral and exist for times so small we can't fathom. Can we go beyond? Our present physics tells us that there could exist an "island" of elements beyond a unstable "sea" where there could exist stable nuclei. Will we ever be able to cross the choppy waters of the nuclear sea and land on the island of stability? This blog will be very informal[more like a diary] and I'll keep adding to it every day as I learn more. There'll be a bunch of rabbitholes but hopefully in the end my aim is to understand the current physics and the future of these mystical elements.  Jan 29, 2025  Day 1:  Islands a...